Wednesday, September 21, 2011


ZQ looking GQ at the world premiere of 'What's Your Number?' at the Regency Village Theatre (Los Angeles, California).

Guys in suits... UNFFF.

(photo source)

The power of imagination...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

110112 An Invitation Gone Wrong (or failing the dating game)

*boy called girl on phone*
boy: so, you wanna go bowling?
girl: yeah, i'd love to!
boy: yeah? cool. alright then... how about tomorrow, you free?
girl: sounds good *turns to friend sitting by her*
girl to friend: wanna go bowling tomorrow?
girl's friend: yeah, okay
girl to boy: great, she can make it too! who else are you inviting?
boy: oh, umm... well
*awkward moment when girl realizes what just happened*
girl to self: idiot

Hello, this is me. I am socially awkward.