Thursday, October 28, 2010

Insomniacs Unite

Just met Bryce. Turns out he's an insomniac, like me. And he's quite the musician (not at all like me).

The people we come across. Neat.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

i crossed that line.

from left to right: brendon urie, ryan ross, jon walker, spencer smith.

Yes, I did cross that line. I was that kind of fangurl who could recognize her once favorite band by their shoe styles.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

101010 phone call

boy: Hey, sorry just getting back with you now
girl: You're sorry? It's been like a day. I'm the one who didn't get back with you for over a week, I'm sorry.
boy: *laughs* Oh, yeah, that's right. Don't do that again.
girl: *laughs* No promises.
boy: So, did you go to the meet-up on Friday?
girl: Yeah, missed you there. Everyone wondered where you were at.
boy: Sadly, I caught the cold that's been going around.
girl: No wonder--
boy: Maybe we can get together after Thursday?
girl: Yeah, we should. Work on getting better.
boy: *laughs* I am.
girl: The others are planning to go to the Asian Film Festival, wanna join in?
boy: Oh, you mean like the whole group?
girl: Yeah.
boy: Yeah, okay...*incoherent mumbling* Just tell me when.